New Members – Get Involved
If you’re looking to get involved as a new member, please see our get involved guide, and fill in the form.
Marie Tidball MP
More about Marie can be found on her webpage.
You can email her at with casework, for her parliamentary Westminster office, or send her a letter:
Marie Tidball MP
House of Commons
CLP Administration
Secretary: Josiah Lenton <>
NB: The local Labour Party cannot help with constituency casework. You must contact Marie Tidball MP for all such matters using the above email address or postal address. Emails to the CLP address below will not be forwarded due to data protection regulation and administrative constraints.
Data and Privacy
In accordance with the Labour Party privacy policy, please contact the Data Protection Team at the Governance and Legal Unit at the national Party:
Postal address
The CLP regrets that, for security reasons – to protect our staff and volunteers, we are now unable to disclose the addresses of our office and campaign centre. Should you need to contact us via post, please email first.
Legal documents ONLY may be sent to: P&S Labour, PO Box 825, Barnsley, S73 3DU. No other post will be forwarded or acted upon under any circumstances whatsoever.
Marie Tidball MP may be postally contacted via the previously stated Parliamentary address.